The problem is a big one. Regina LaBelle with the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy told those gathered at the Summit that the number of deaths during the height of the heroin and cocaine epidemics pale in comparison the deaths now from prescription drug abuse. Shockingly, more people die from prescription drugs than cocaine, heroin and hallucinogens combined. [Read more…]
Mississippi Set for Record Number of Executions
The current increase in executions in Mississippi runs counter to the trend across the country where fewer people are sentenced to death. Many experts don’t believe the state’s trend is likely to continue. Some believe this recent large number has to do with timing and the appeals process and not a sign of a large increase in the use of the death penalty in the state. [Read more…]
A doctor, a lawyer and a Mississippi murder-for-hire
Greenwood Police Chief Henry Purnell tells The Greenwood Commonwealth that Cordarious Robinson, 22, has nothing to do with the shootout that occurred Saturday night at the downtown Greenwood law office of Lee Abraham. “These are unrelated charges that we have charged him with. He had nothing to do with the Saturday night shooting.” [Read more…]
Hernando, Mississippi man charged with murder
The woman was identified as 23-year-old Sarah Jones of Memphis, Tennessee. She was struck and killed on Oak Grove Road near River Oaks and Scott Road early in the morning while riding a bicycle.
Hernando Police Chief Mike Riley said the woman’s body was discovered by a passerby about 7:30 a.m. on Oak Grove Road. [Read more…]
Future of Mississippi Tort Reform
Since that time, several cases have come before the Mississippi Supreme Court challenging the constitutionality of tort reform–specifically damage caps. Currently before the Court is the case of Learmouth v. Sears Roebuck and Company. In Learmouth, a Neshoba County jury awarded the Plaintiff $4M in damages ($1.2M in lost wages, $573,000 in past and future medical expenses, and $2.2M in non-economic damages). The trial court reduced the non-economic damages to the state’s $1M damages cap, and the Plaintiff appealed the trial court’s reduction to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. The 5th Circuit then referred the matter to the Mississippi Supreme Court for a ruling on the constitutionality of the damages cap. [Read more…]
Mississippi Nursing Home Liability Bill Dies
Sid Slater discusses the issue in the DeSoto Times-Tribune last week, pointing out the legislation that would have required non-government nursing homes to carry the same $500,000 in liability coverage that government nursing homes carry passed the House Insurance Committee by unanimous vote only to die in the full House. [Read more…]
Southaven-Hernando, MS plans to reduce trucking accidents by upholding safety regulations
Another MDOT initiative involves the use of weigh-in-motion station technology. These are unmanned virtual weigh stations that are able to weigh a tractor-trailer while it is in motion. One of these virtual weight stations is located on Hwy 51 near the Southaven, MS–Hernando, MS border. [Read more…]
Southaven, Mississippi “Trip and Fall” Results in $1.15 Million Verdict for Horn Lake, Mississippi Couple
As a result of her fall, Ms. Whiteaker suffered life altering injuries to her left arm and her right wrist. In addition, the fall broke several of her teeth. [Read more…]
Sardis, Mississippi Motorcycle Accident Claims the Life of Batesville, Mississippi Soldier
While it has been proven that wearing a helmet can save lives, as noted above, it is not always a sure thing. Sometimes injuries result from equipment failure or malfunction, poor design of the motorcycle, or lack of proper safety instruction. Other times, the accidents are caused by other drivers who either fail to pay attention, who are speeding, or who are otherwise driving recklessly. [Read more…]
DeSoto County, Walls Mississippi Auto Accident Emphasizes Need for New Traffic Signal At Intersection of Hwy. 61 and Delta View
Tammy Holliday, a 39 year old Walls Elementary School cafeteria worker, was tragically killed in a serious automobile accident at what many have called a very dangerous intersection in Walls, MS. According to Milton Kuykendall, Desoto County School Superintendent, this intersection, which is located nearby the Lake Cormorant School, has been the subject of numerous accidents and one that badly needed a traffic signal.
Unfortunately, the need for safety measures (such as placement of a much needed traffic signal) are often not taken seriously until such time as a serious injury or death occurs. However, even when traffic signals are installed, it is more often the case they are not properly maintained–resulting in serious injury to those driving or pedestrians crossing these intersections. [Read more…]