The Mississippi Legislature voted to amend the state felony expungement statute, Mississippi Code Annotated § 99-19-71. Under the amended law, the following felonies may be expunged: passing a bad check, possession of controlled substances including marijuana or drug paraphernalia, shoplifting, malicious mischief, larceny and false pretense. In order to qualify, the offender must have successfully completed all terms of his or her sentence at least five years prior to seeking the expungement. Those who qualify may file their petition through an attorney in the court in which they were convicted. Only one felony may be expunged.
Under Mississippi law, any misdemeanor, with the exception of traffic offenses, may be expunged from a person’s record.
If you are interested and think you may qualify for an expungement, you should not hesitate to contact a qualified attorney to assist you. One mistake can haunt you for a lifetime. Clearing your record could be the first step to moving on with the rest of your life, including restoring your voting rights and your right to own a firearm.