A few months back one couple from Kiln, Mississippi made an unfortunate purchase. They were shopping in their hometown and came across a box of high-powered magnets that could be arranged into various shapes. They decided to buy them for fun. When they got home they put the box on a high shelf but it wasn’t enough to keep their 2-year-old son Braylon from finding and swallowing eight of them.
Had they just been round balls there would not have been much of an issues as the child would have simply passed them. Because they were magnets they were attracted to one another and made a lump which ended up tearing a hole through the baby’s intestines. Braylon has now been in the hospital for nearly two months, almost all of that time spent in the ICU. He’s had six surgeries, developed a blood infection and been sedated for three full weeks. Though he’s on track to leave the hospital soon doctors are saying he’ll still need an intestinal transplant because so much tissue had to be removed. [Read more…]