Police charged an Olive Branch resident with driving under the influence on the night of Friday, August 12th when witnesses saw sparks flying from his vehicle, according to The Commercial Appeal. According to news reports, Jon Burns, 55, was missing a tire but continued to drive, creating a shower of sparks as he was driving through the City of Frayser. He was pulled over at Overton Crossing and Lynwood Avenue after driving erratically between lanes and coming close to causing an accident, according to the police affidavit. Officers report finding an open bottle of whiskey in the front passenger seat. Burns admitted that he had been drinking the alcohol due to a recent argument with his wife. His blood alcohol content was reported as being .156. The legal blood alcohol limit in both Tennessee and Mississippi is .08.
DUIs and public intoxication charges are examples of misdemeanors that can carry jail time and large fines. If you have been charged with a DUI, public intoxication or any other misdemeanor offense in the North Mississippi, Desoto County area, contact the Desoto County, MS criminal defense lawyers at Stroud, Flechas & Dalton in Southaven, MS for a free consultation.
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