Southaven, Mississippi, Personal Injury Attorneys
Personal injury is an incredibly broad term that can mean any number of things happened to a person that resulted in harm. A personal injury occurs when someone suffers a loss at the hands of someone else, either through negligence or due to an intentional act on the part of the responsible party. Though the injuries seen are typically physical, that isn’t always the case as victims who have suffered emotional trauma can also seek compensation.
Once someone who has been injured has received medical treatment, the next thing that usually comes to mind is recovering damages from the person responsible. Personal injury incidents frequently have two components: one civil and one criminal. For instance, a negligent driver may be sued by the Southaven resident who suffered debilitating injuries as a result of their carelessness. This same person may also be subject to criminal prosecution by local law enforcement authorities if their actions rise to criminal levels. It’s important to understand that as a victim, a criminal prosecution does not eliminate your ability to recover from the guilty party. Even if the person who injured you is in jail, you can still file a civil claim for damages to recover money for the injuries you suffered.
The different types of damages you are able to seek are fairly wide ranging. In a civil lawsuit, a party can sue for monetary damages to be paid for any medical expenses they incurred, for lost wages, property damage and the more general categories of pain and suffering. In many cases, the companies that have provided liability coverage to the person who caused your injuries pay these damages.
The experienced personal injury attorneys at Stroud, Flechas & Dalton can assist by helping you investigate and locate individuals or companies that are liable for the injuries you suffered. People and witnesses need to be tracked down, insurance claims must be filed and policies must be examined. Our attorneys have years of experience successfully navigating such confusing legal waters and are here to help in your time of need.
Many injured Mississippians may not realize that immediately after an insurer has been notified of a potential claim they launch an investigation into the circumstances of the accident. They start by compiling evidence and interviewing witnesses, all in an attempt to avoid exposure to a possible large insurance payout. Most victims are totally unaware all this is happening, as they are busy attempting to pick up the pieces of their life and recover from their injuries. It is easy to feel outmatched by the big insurance companies, which is why it’s so important to have a Southaven personal injury attorney on your side who knows the ropes.
If you or someone you love has been injured because of the negligence or carelessness of another, it is important that you speak with a Southaven, Mississippi personal injury attorney who has the knowledge and skill to properly handle your civil claim. The attorneys at Stroud, Flechas & Dalton have years of experience and have successfully obtained compensation for our clients who have been injured by other’s recklessness.