Tunica County, MS Shoplifting
Tunica County, MS has become an increasingly popular area to live. The world-class golf courses, casinos, shopping outlets, and local stores Downtown are just a few amenities the county holds. Residents can get a bang for their buck with a high lifestyle, with low cost of living.
With the amenities that Tunica County offers, it can be tempting to shoplift. When a line is long, or nobody is looking, it can be a thrill to place something in your bag or pocket and walk out.
Shoplifting, however, can come with dire consequences. Stores may push to ensure that shoplifters get the most severe penalties they can receive, which can be fines, imprisonment, or both. When you are caught and the adrenaline runs out, you will feel confused, overwhelmed, and maybe guilty.
If you get caught shoplifting in Tunica County, MS, the first thing you should do is call an experienced criminal defense attorney. Stroud, Flechas & Dalton has more than a decade of experience handling cases like this in your county and surrounding areas.
Working with a criminal defense attorney will provide you with the legal guidance you will need. The process can be tricky, and you will want to do everything by the book so the criminal defense lawyers can provide you with the most favorable outcome.
As criminal defense attorneys, we understand that being charged can drastically change your life. Your reputation may be skewed, and your future may look less promising.
It is our job at Stroud, Flechas & Dalton to defend your rights and advise you during this troubling time. If you or a loved one has shoplifted in Tunica County, Mississippi, contact our criminal defense attorneys today.
Photo Credit: <a href=”https://www.flickr.com/photos/39181151@N03/4468172879/”>ElizabethHudy</a> via <a href=”http://compfight.com”>Compfight</a> <a href=”https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/”>cc</a>