What is government immunity and how does it apply to my case?
Unfortunately, no matter how badly you’re injured your claim may be subject to governmental immunity defenses. A lot of it depends on where your claim is pending. If it’s pending in State Court here in Mississippi, for instance, if a State actor or governmental official causes you injury they may be entitled to immunities under the Mississippi Tort Claims Act. It’s very case specific but typically those immunities apply to police and firefighters. There are other exceptions as well that you need to speak with an attorney about.
If your is against an entity, State actor or governmental entity and the case is being brought under Federal Law then the governmental actor may be entitled to immunity based upon the Qualified Immunity Standard, which in a nutshell says that the officer or the State actors conduct was objectively reasonable under the circumstances. Again, very important for you to reach out to an attorney who understands these immunities and how to best navigate through them.
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