How do I deal with insurance company after an auto accident? And what if they say that I have plenty of time to make a claim?
The most important thing to keep in mind when you’re dealing with the insurance company is that the insurance company, even if it’s your insurance company, is not on your side. The insurance company is a for-profit business. The insurance company is there to make money and to save money. I’m not saying that the people who work for the insurance company are bad people. They’re just doing their job and trying to save the company money. One of the ways they do that is that they pay less on claims when they can, than maybe the claim is worth. It’s easier for them to do that if there’s not an attorney involved and they’re dealing directly with the insured person or with the person who was hurt in the car accident that their insured caused.
One other thing that you want to keep in mind is that you do have a limited time in order to bring a claim. In Tennessee, it can be as short as one year. In Mississippi, it’s generally three years but can vary depending on the circumstance. You want to be sure to talk to an attorney about that as soon as you can after the accident.
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