Memphis, Tennessee, Medical Malpractice Attorneys
Sadly, doctors, nurses, and hospitals make mistakes. It’s a fact that errors will be made, diseases will be misdiagnosed, patients will be neglected, and test results will be misread. And given the increasing size of the healthcare industry, mistakes like these happen more and more frequently, with some estimates saying that nearly 200,000 people die each year due to medical malpractice. The Memphis, TN medical malpractice attorneys at Stroud, Flechas & Dalton are experienced at taking on doctors and hospitals when a client has been injured as a result of poor medical care. We have access to some of the most knowledgeable experts and use our years of experience to fight for our clients and their families to ensure they receive the compensation they deserve.
By way of background, medical malpractice is defined as a negligent or careless act by a doctor, hospital, or other healthcare provider. Malpractice occurs when a physician fails to properly handle a medical condition and this failure results in a new or worsened medical condition. The negligence or neglect can occur in a variety of situations, including delays in diagnosis, surgical mistakes, anesthesia-related accidents or lack of informed consent prior to an operation.
Like other forms of personal injury cases, medical malpractice claims require proof of negligence on the part of the healthcare provider before recovery is allowed. To win a medical malpractice lawsuit in Memphis, TN, you must be able to first prove the general standard of care in the medical profession or specific medical field of the physician in question. You must then demonstrate that the healthcare provider failed to follow that standard, breaching his duty to you. Finally, it must then be shown that the patient was injured as a result of this breach of duty.
Are there time limits to sue for injuries in a Mississippi medical malpractice case?
Those who have been injured by a healthcare professional are entitled to compensation not only for the medical expenses they incurred as a result of the medical malpractice, but also future medical expenses related to the injury. With the help of an experienced Memphis medical malpractice attorney, injured patients can also receive money for lost wages and future loss of earning capacity, pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment of life.
One important aspect of any Memphis medical malpractice claim is the statute of limitations. Typically, you have one year from the date that you were injured to file a medical malpractice lawsuit against the responsible parties. However, there are situations where this one-year does not strictly apply. For instance, if the injury is not discovered in that one-year time, the time period to file a claim is then extended to one year from the date of discovery. However, medical malpractice suits must be brought within three years of the negligent act regardless of when it was discovered, unless there was fraudulent concealment on the part of the healthcare provider.
Given these confusing legal timelines and the generally complex nature of medical malpractice law, if you’ve been injured and are contemplating taking legal action as a result of a doctor’s negligence it’s critical that you turn to a knowledge Memphis medical malpractice attorney. Our attorneys have years of experience and have successfully obtained compensation for our clients who have been injured by medical error or negligence. Contact us today.