Memphis, Tennessee, Brain Injury Attorneys
Sadly, the damage associated with brain injuries is only just starting to become widely known. For years, people took serious physical abuse, whether on the football field, on the basketball court or in a car accident, never understanding the real damage that was being done. Only now are doctors beginning to understand the toll such injuries have taken.
Families in Memphis, TN face potential brain injuries on many fronts. Children, professional athletes, veterans and even every day drivers are all at risk for traumatic brain injuries. For children, playing sports at a young age, especially sports that involve serious, hard-hitting contact, can leave lasting damage on still developing brains. Given the small size of children’s heads, brain swelling that might be fine in an adult can cause serious, and even fatal problems in children. Studies have shown that children who suffered severe brain injuries showed far greater problems with mental processing, academics, learning, memory and even behavior.
Athletes, whether professional or amateur, are also at severe risk of injuries. Concussions, which are brain injuries caused by a sudden blow to the head, can be especially insidious. While a person may appear fine immediately after receiving a concussion, studies are finding that decades later damage is being detected in the brain. One especially terrible problem, known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE, appears to affect professional athletes, specifically football players, in drastically larger percentages than it does the public at large.
Veterans are another group that is at special risk of suffering a traumatic brain injury. The focus on TBI damage to soldiers has only recently been explored as they return home from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Given the nature of the fighting and the high number of roadside bomb attacks, many have said that traumatic brain injuries are the hallmark wound of both conflicts. In fact, the Congressional Research Office released data showing that between 2000 and 2010 a whopping 178,800 cases of traumatic brain injury were reported in the American armed forces.
Though it may seem like only those in unique situations, such as athletes in serious contact sports or those in the military are at risk for traumatic brain injuries, the fact is normal people in Memphis suffer such injuries every day. Concussions, the most common form of brain injury, are regularly seen in car, truck and motorcycle accidents. Even minor accidents, which occur all the time in a city the size of Memphis, can present serious dangers to drivers.
If you or someone you love has suffered a head injury, it’s important that you reach out to a Memphis traumatic brain injury attorney who has the experience necessary to properly handle your case. You shouldn’t have to suffer through medical bills and loss of work alone; a skilled attorney can help try to get you the justice you deserve. The attorneys at Stroud, Flechas & Dalton have years of experience and have successfully obtained compensation for our clients who have been injured by other’s recklessness.