Civil Rights Videos
Stroud, Flechas & Dalton’s team of attorneys answer some of your most frequently asked questions about your Constitutional Rights in this series of short videos.

Can I be arrested for my free speech?

What does excessive force mean?

Do I have a case if I was injured by jailers while in jail?

Do I have a case if my loved one committed suicide while in custody

When is it allowed for police to use deadly force?

Can a police officer approach my car and question me if I have done nothing wrong?

What is a seizure under the Fourth Amendment?

What is a Terry stop?

Do I have a case if police didn’t read me my rights?

Officers stood by while my rights were violated. Do I have a case against them?

What does “clearly established law” mean?

Can I sue the city or county for an officer’s actions?

What does a court consider in an excessive force case?

Do I have a case if I was injured in a police chase?

What is 42 U.S.C § 1983?
Full List of Civil Rights Videos
- Can I be arrested for speaking alone?
- Do I have a Fourth Amendment claim?
- Do I have a First Amendment claim?
- Should I agree to take a breathalyzer test? What happens in Mississippi if I do not?
- Under what circumstances can the police search my car?
- What are Miranda rights or Miranda warnings?
- What are my constitutional rights?
- What constitutes an unreasonable search and seizure under the Fourth Amendment?
- What determines whether force used by law enforcement is excessive?
- What is government immunity and how does it apply to my case?
- What is the Fourteenth Amendment?
- What right do I have to timely medical treatment while in jail?
- What rights do I have while being held in jail?
- What should I do if I am the victim of a police shooting?
- What should I do if I have been subjected to mistreatment while in custody?
- When is it legal for the police to stop me and question me?
- When is it legal for the police to use deadly force?
- I was tased by a police officer/jailor. Do I have a claim?
- I was sexually assaulted by a police officer or jailor while in custody. What should I do?