Marijuana Possession in Hernando, Mississippi
From thousands of miles away, citizens of Hernando, Mississippi, watched the news of Colorado and Washington’s legalization of recreational marijuana. While penalties have vanquished in those states, don’t be mistaken, Mississippi residents do face the possibility of arrest for possession of marijuana.
As criminal law attorneys, we stress the importance of knowing and understanding laws concerning marijuana possession and possession of paraphernalia. While it is not advisable to be in a situation where you would be in danger of penalty, it is also important to know if you could be wrongfully penalized.
For example, let’s say you are caught in your local Hernando grocery store in possession of less than 30 grams of marijuana. If you are caught with less than 30 grams of marijuana, you have not committed a criminal offense. This is considered a violation. If it is a first offense, all you need to worry about is a $250 dollar fine. When this is your second offense, however, you should be wary of the possibility of jail time. You can probably guess that your third offense guarantees it.
Now let’s say you are caught driving down a Hernando, Mississippi, street with more than 30 grams of marijuana. You will be charged with a felony, the sentence for this being up to three years in the state prison.
Owning marijuana paraphernalia also comes with risks. Possessing marijuana paraphernalia in Mississippi is classified as a misdemeanor. Don’t be deceived by the relatively unfrightening connotation of the title “misdemeanor.” Let’s say you were found with paraphernalia in your local Hernando high school. You would not only be charged with a misdemeanor but also slapped with a $500 dollar fine. Paraphernalia is anything from a bong to a t-shirt.
As criminal law attorneys in Mississippi, we know these laws are tricky to understand. If you have any questions concerning marijuana possession or marijuana paraphernalia — or if you have been charged with any of these misdemeanors, felonies, or violations — be sure to contact your Hernando, Mississippi, marijuana possession lawyer today.