Horn Lake, Mississippi, DUI Attorneys
Drivers in the Memphis suburb of Horn Lake, Mississippi are aware of how seriously police in the area treat those who are suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol. Law enforcement agencies across the state of Mississippi devote considerable amounts of manpower and money to trying to catch drunk drivers. Given this focus of police activity, it sometimes happens that officers are overzealous in their attempts to protect the public and innocent drivers are accused of driving drunk.
A concept that may be confusing to some Mississippi drivers is the idea of an implied consent law. Mississippi has such a law which means that if a driver is pulled over by an officer in Horn Lake and refuses to submit to a chemical test of his or her blood, then that driver subject to a possible fine and automatic license suspension. The law is based on the idea that by driving on Mississippi roads, drivers have given their implied consent to submit to chemical tests to determine if they are intoxicated. The way the law is written in Mississippi, those who refuse to let police test their blood face losing their license for 90 days, a substantial hardship for those who need a car to get to and from work every day.
DUI laws in Mississippi are notoriously severe and even first time offenders face serious penalties. For example, a conviction for driving while under the influence comes with a possible 48 hours of jail time and up to $1,000 in fines. While 48 hours may not seem like a lot, it’s surely more time behind bars than may people would ever imagine enduring. First time offenders also face license suspension, court ordered alcohol education programs and required participation in victim impact panels. These penalties don’t include the damage such a conviction can cause to your job prospects or the huge increase you will likely see on your insurance bills.
For each subsequent offense, the punishment becomes progressively harsher. A second Horn Lake DUI conviction can land you in jail for up to a year, dramatically longer than the 48 hours faced by first time offenders. A second offense can also result in mandatory community service, stiffer fines and a license suspension that could last for up to two years. The penalties for a second offense are quite serious and can have a lasting impact on the rest of your life.
Anyone facing a Horn Lake conviction for DUI should not do it alone. It is important to have the assistance of effective counsel on your side. If you or someone you know in Horn Lake, Mississippi or the surrounding area is dealing with a possible DUI conviction, contact the DUI defense attorneys at Stroud, Flechas & Dalton today. They will vigorously advocate on your behalf.