An auto insurance company is not offering to pay all of my damages on a liability claim. What can I do?
The interest company may be denying you full payment for several reasons; number one, they may have defenses to liability. They may be able to establish that you were more at fault than their insured, that may be why they are offering you less money. It may be they’re offering you less money because you’re not represented by counsel, and they believe that they can take advantage of the situation.
In either event, if the interest company does not pay you full value of the claim, you really only have one option, and that is to seek out counsel and pursue a claim. If you pursue a claim formally, you will be required to carry the burden of proof in that claim by a preponderance of the evidence. Unlike a criminal case, where it is beyond a reasonable doubt, in civil case it is called preponderance of the evidence because you must establish your case as true more likely than not. That’s why it’s important to hire an attorney who is familiar with this standard, and can help you through this maze.
Call us today (662) 536-5656.