Desoto County, MS has long been a shining star for its excellence in public education in Mississippi. Now school students from Walls, MS, Lewisburg, MS, Hernando, MS, Olive Branch, MS, Horn Lake, MS and Southaven, MS will also be safer while at school.
Based upon a newly acquired financial grant from FEMA and MEMA, six Desoto County Schools will receive money to construct safe rooms to protect students from the dangers associated with violent weather storms, such as tornandos. Construction should begin early next summer.
Keeping students safe has long been the responsibility of the Desoto County School District. Under state law, students and their parents should expect that the public school system where their child attends, takes reasonable steps to insure their child’s safety while on the premises. While there are certain situations that arise that are outside of the control of the school and its faculty, there are certain responsibilities imposed by law on the schools to provide a safe environment for students to learn.
Accidents occur at schools. They always have, and they always will. Even though accidents happen and it may appear that no one is at fault, it is important to consult with an experienced injury attorney to determine whether any of the duties imposed upon the school district by law were violated. If so, there may be redress for the injury.
Associated Press, December 15, 2011
We are glad that to see that Desoto County school district is taking proactive steps to not only educate our children, but to further insure their safety. However, If you or someone you know have been involved in a serious accident at school, and you have legal questions about the school’s role in protecting your child from injury, you will need legal representation to navigate the system and receive compensation for medical bills and other damages incurred as a result of the accident.
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