Car accidents are scary, whether you get hurt or you don’t. But, if you do get hurt in an accident caused by another driver this could mean you need representation to get the compensation you deserve for that injury.
Like with all cases, your argument in court will depend on the circumstances of the accident and the severity of the injury or injuries. Here at Stroud, Flechas & Dalton, we specialize in injury law and know the ins and outs of car accident injury.
Knowing the common types of injuries that can occur because of a car accident will help you determine whether you need legal representation to get the money for your injury that the at-fault driver’s insurance company won’t give you:
Brain and head injuries. These are the most common and often most debilitating injuries suffered by drivers and passengers in an auto accident. A traumatic brain injury can be caused by being hit or hitting something violently – traumatic brain injuries can have lifelong affects. Even when there is no visible sign of head trauma, the brain may have been jostled inside the skull due to the force of impact which can cause bruising and swelling, and can still constitute as reason for a personal injury claim.
Neck injuries. This other common form of car accident injury can range from mild to severe. Whiplash is the most common form of neck injury, which results from the whipping of the head upon impact putting strain on muscles in the neck. More serious injuries such as cervical dislocation and disc injury can also occur at the fault of the other driver.
Spinal cord injuries. Damage to the spinal cord happens when displaced bone fragments, disc material, or ligaments tear in to spinal cord tissue, destroying axons (the part of our nerve cells that carry signals up and down the spinal cord between the brain and the rest of the body). Damage like this can result in paralysis that will change your life forever.
Back injuries. Unfortunately, the symptoms of a back injury can take some time after the accident to show up – but that doesn’t you don’t deserve or can’t get compensation for those injuries. The most common location for back injuries is the lower back and these include sprains, herniated discs, and fractured vertebrae. The pain from back injuries can be long-lasting.
Facial Injuries. When a car accident happens, injuries to the face are commonly caused by hitting the steering wheel, dashboard, airbag, windshield, side window, car seats, or getting cut by shattered glass. Though scrapes and bruises heal fairly quickly and don’t cause long-term damage, other facial injuries such as lacerations, fractures, serious jaw injuries or dental injuries can have a serious impact on quality of life after an accident.
Internal injuries. The impact of an auto accident can cause internal injuries including injuries to bowels, kidneys, the spleen, liver, lungs, and heart. Fractured ribs that can puncture lungs and other internal organs are also quite common. These injuries can be life threatening and take a long time to heal.
Auto accidents that involves an injury that has an impact on your life and one that is quickly emptying your pockets due to medical expenses is an injury that deserves compensation from the driver at fault. If you have been in an accident in Southaven, MS and have suffered an injury, contact Stroud, Flechas & Dalton for a consultation on your case.
Photo Credit: Flickr contributor, Guian Bolisay
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